I'm working right now with Silverlight and RIA Services.
In my project I have a DomainService and a AuthenticationService.
When I authenticate, I realized that if I debug my ObjectContext
I can see all the records from my database.
But when I use my DomainService, I'm trying to get the objects from the default queries, for I.E. GetStudents
but always the queries returns 0 elements.
But from it, I want to do a Insert
, it works
// Has finished
var jsonObjects = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Test, Formatting.Indented);
var context = new DatabaseDomainContext();
// it works!! add the object
//Student newStudent = new Student();
//newStudent.Id = "OPA-3DKCL2";
//newStudent.FirstName = "Oscar";
//newStudent.LastName = "Fimbres";
// all the time returns 0 elements
var students2 = context.Load(context.GetStudentsQuery()).Entities;
// the same
var students = context.GetStudentsQuery();
AnsweredTest answerTest = new AnsweredTest();
answerTest.JsonTest = jsonObjects;
answerTest.Date = DateTime.Now;
//answerTest.Student = context.Students.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == "OPA-3DKCLS");
If I'm missing an important data, please let me know.
Load operation is asyncronious, you need to subscribe to Completed
event and get result there:
var loadOperation = context.Load(context.GetStudentsQuery());
operation.Completed += OnStudentsLoaded;
private void OnStudentsLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
var operation = sender as LoadOperation<Student>;
if (operation == null)
throw new ArgumentException("sender is not LoadOpearation<Student>");
IEnumerable<Student> students = operation.Entities;