I need to export data from a SQL server 2005 DB to an Access 97 .mdb file. The client that needs it, needs it to be Access 97 because the system that they're importing it into requires Access 97 file format (don't get me started). Any suggestions how to write an old-timey Access file from SQL or .Net (or VB6 or Ruby or Python..)?
Thanks in advance, Lee
What you need to do is export into an Access file for whatever Access version you have installed (as long as it's 2000...2003; Access 2007 can't write to Access 97 files). I assume you already know how to do this.
Then you can create an Access object via COM and ask it to convert your new .mdb file into a new Access 97 database. In VBScript, the code looks like this (adjust as necessary if you're using VBA, VB.Net, or another language):
const acFileFormatAccess97 = 8
dim app
set app = CreateObject("Access.Application")
app.ConvertAccessProject "y:\mydatabase.mdb", "y:\mydatabase97.mdb", acFileFormatAccess97
If you have Access 97 installed, the above command won't work, because Access didn't have the ConvertAccessProject function in that version. Of course, you don't need to convert the file in that case anyway.