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Android based apps on Windows/Mac?

I am looking to create an android based game. I am planning for this to eventually be on the OUYA. I know that the console isn't out yet so it is hard to say what would work and what wouldn't but we do know it is android based and java will work.

So I am writing my game in java. I am using OpenGL ES. I'd also like it to work on desktops too. I am assuming that players will either have a controller or a keyboard and mouse (touch MIGHT work as well, but tweaking is needed). I know android itself won't provide this out of the box, but java does have some libraries that handle controllers.

In this train of thought I suppose I am creating a plain java application using OpenGL ES and would like to run it on android. Is there an easy way to package a plain java application up so that it would work on android as well? How should I structure my application to optimize code reuse?


  • i think the best thing to do would be to use the libGdx library .

    even though it's a bit hard since the library isn't much high level as Andengine , libGdx allows you to run your app on both desktop AND android , and you use Java for development on this library !