Alright, before this gets flagged as a possible duplicate, I've already tried the following code:
And it is always returning false for me [see below]. Could someone confirm if this is supposed to be working, and I'm misusing it, or if it's known to be broken? If it is in fact broken, does anyone have a better method to use?
Alright, just found out something more. It appears to just return what it was at the begining of my programs launch. If I start the program with it on, it says its on, and vice versa. Here's my code:
while (true) {
boolean isOn = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getLockingKeyState(
System.out.println("Caps lock is now: " + (isOn ? "ON" : "off"));
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
And that's just always printing out whatever it started as
(ex. if I start with caps lock on, even if I toggle it off right after, it prints:
Caps lock is now: ON
Caps lock is now: ON
Caps lock is now: ON
Caps lock is now: ON
etc., if I start with it off, it will print off no matter what)
Poking around, I think getLockingKeyState()
might be broken.
You could try KeyboardUtils, but it looks like that means you have to carry JNA overhead.