I have listview on the UI thread. I have some operations to be performed through the background worker's DoWork event handler since they are time consuming. But I cant acess the listview items in my DoWork handler since it raises an exception:Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'bufferedListView1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.
So how do I acess my bufferedlistview in my DoWork event handler. This is the code to be handled in DoWork:
foreach (ListViewItem item in bufferedListView1.Items)
string lname = bufferedListView1.Items[i].Text;
string lno = bufferedListView1.Items[i].SubItems[1].Text;
string gname = bufferedListView1.Items[i].SubItems[2].Text;
string line = lname + "@" + lno + "@" + gname;
if (gname.Contains(sgroup))
var m = Regex.Match(line, @"([\w]+)@([+\d]+)@([\w]+)");
if (m.Success)
port.WriteLine("AT+CMGS=\"" + m.Groups[2].Value + "\"");
port.Write(txt_msgbox.Text + char.ConvertFromUtf32(26));
All I wanted was to read the listview in UI thread in other thread. All the solutions given were using invoke
method but I found a rather easy way to do this:
ListView lvItems = new ListView(); \\in global scope
At the required location in my code:
foreach (ListViewItem item in bufferedListView1.Items)
lvItems.Items.Add((ListViewItem)item.Clone()); // Copied the bufferedListview's items that are to be accessed in other thread to another listview- listItems
Then used the lvItems
listview in my DoWork
event handler. Simple n Easy :)