I use the formula exp(X) as the rate for a markov chain. So the ratio of selecting one link over another is exp(X1)/exp(X2). My problem is that sometimes X is very large, so exp(X) will exceed the range of double
Alternatively: Given an array of X[i], with some X[i] so large that exp(X[i]) overflows the range of double
, calculate, for each i, exp(X[i]) / S, where S is the sum of all the exp(X[i]).
This pseudo-code should work:
Let M = the largest X[i].
For each i:
Subtract M from X[i].
Let S = the sum of exp(X[i]) for all i.
For each i:
The probability for this i is exp(X[i]) / S.
If M is large, then, after the subtraction step, some X[i] will be so small (have large negative values) that their exp(X[i]) will evaluate to zero in double precision. However, the actual probability of these items is so minuscule that there is no practical difference between their actual probability and zero, so it is okay that exp(X[i]) underflows to zero.
Aside from underflow and rounding errors, the probabilities should be the same after the subtraction transformation, because: