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How to create MyEclipse shortcuts to open multiple workspaces ?

I have two different MyEclipse workspaces containing a different set of project. I was hoping to avoid having to switch between the two by creating shortcuts which directly open the workspaces.

Is this possible ?


  • From here and here:

    Use the following command-line argument:

    -data your_workspace_location

    For example,

    -data c:\users\Soumyaansh\myworkspace

    Try adding the above parameter to the Target field of the MyEclipse shortcut like so :

    enter image description here

    Now created a second copy of this shortcut and just change the path after -data to that of the second workspace. If there are spaces in the path then enclose the path in double quotes.

    For example, the target field of my shortcut looks like this :

    C:\dev\springsource\sts\STS.exe -data "C:\dev\workspace-matm-STS-1.6.0_30-64Bit"

    Yours should look something like :

    "C:\Program Files\MyEclipse\MyEclipse.exe" -data "C:\dev\workspace-matm-STS-1.6.0_30-64Bit"

    This can be used for any Eclipse based distribution like STS, MyEclipse etc.