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Can I set null as the default value for a @Value in Spring?

I'm currently using the @Value Spring 3.1.x annotation like this:

private String value;

This puts an empty String into the variable if the attribute is not present. I would like to have null as the default instead of an empty String. Of course I also want to avoid an error when the property stuff.value is not set.


  • You must set the nullValue of the PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer. For the example I'm using the string @null but you can also use the empty string as nullValue.

    <bean id="propertyConfigurer" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
        <!-- config the location(s) of the properties file(s) here -->
        <property name="nullValue" value="@null" />

    Now you can use the string @null to represent the null value

    private String value;

    Please note: The context name space doesn't support the null value at the moment. You can't use

    <context:property-placeholder null-value="@null" ... />

    Tested with Spring 3.1.1