I'm pulling from the Reddit API and populating a gallery using this:
function(data) {
var imageurl1 = data.data.children[0].data.url;
var imagecaption1 = data.data.children[0].data.title;;
var commentlink1 = "http://www.reddit.com" + data.data.children[0].data.permalink;}
(I then feed this into an array)
90% of the time the permalink is a imgur.com jpg ... so I can feed the image straight into where I'm putting it. However, sometimes it's just the plain url, without the jpg bit at the end, breaking the image.
How do I add the .jpg extension ONLY if it isn't already there?
i.e. IF permalink = imgur.com/abc.jpg, do nothing, but if permalink = imgur.com/abc make it imgur.com/abc.jpeg ?
Any help much appreciated.
imageurl1 += '.jpg'