I am using Allegro 5 library. I want to load font from dat file. In Allegro's previous versions, there is useful methods for this. For example "load_datafile", load_dat_font. How can I do this in Allegro 5?
The closest direct thing Allegro 5 has is the physfs addon. Useful links:
With it you can load (for example) a Zip archive as a folder. So instead of using a datafile, you can use a Zip file.
See the manual for an example. In short, it looks like:
PHYSFS_addToSearchPath("data/foo.zip", 1);
// ...
Then future calls to al_load_bitmap()
(etc) will look inside that zip file.
If you want to do anything other than that, you will need to write your own custom file interface. It's not terribly difficult, but I think you might as well use a Zip file.