A service from external API which I am not allowed to modify returns me
MyClass instance = ServiceUtil.getThing();
I would like to extend this returned class and Add/Override a method but leave intacts the others, say 150 methods.
private class MyWrapperClass extends MyClass(){
public MyWrapperClass(){super();}
@Override public String toString(){ return "Blocked toString"; }
Is there any way to force this "casting" from the returned MyClass instance to my newly particular subtype??
NOTE: Please, not suggest the approach of making a constructor, passing the original object and having to copy and implement the 150 methods to call the wrapped object
If MyClass is an interface look at java.lang.reflect.Proxy and java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler.
You can implement a dynamic proxy that always does the same. It is, always pass control to your original implementation... except when method X is invoked.
Something like:
class MyHandler implements InvocationHandler {
Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) {
if (method is the one you want to change) {
do whatever
return method.invoke(originalObject, args);
Note: you must create this proxy implementation anyway:
MyClass original = ServiceUtil.getThing();
MyClass proxy = (MyClass) Proxy.newProxyInstance(
MyClass.class.getClassLoader(), // classloader to use
new Class[] { MyClass.class }, // interfaces to implement
new MyHandler()); // who does the dirty work when methods are invoked