I managed to get a Web Worker (not a content/worker) in my Firefox add-on using the Add-on SDK. I followed Wladimir's advice here to get the Worker class working: Concurrency with Firefox add-on script and content script
Now, I can launch a worker in my code and can talk to it by sending/receiving messages.
This is my main.js file:
// spawn our log reader worker
var worker = new Worker(data.url('log-reader.js'));
// send and respond to some dummy messages
worker.onmessage = function(event) {
console.log('received msg from worker: ' + event.data);
This is my log-reader.js file:
// this function gets called when main.js sends a msg to this worker
// using the postMessage call
onmessage = function(event) {
var info = event.data;
// reply back
postMessage('hey addon, i got your message: ' + info);
if (!!FileReaderSync) {
postMessage('ERROR: FileReaderSync is not supported');
} else {
postMessage('FileReaderSync is supported');
// var reader = new FileReaderSync();
// postMessage('File contents: ' + reader.readAsText('/tmp/hello.txt'));
My problem is that the FileReaderSync class is not defined inside the log-reader.js file, and as a result I get the error message back. If I uncomment the last lines where FileReaderSync is actually used, I will never get the message back in my addon.
I tried using the same trick I used for Worker, by creating a dummy.jsm file and importing in main.js, but FileReaderSync will only be available in main.js and not in log-reader.js:
// In dummy.jsm
var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS=["Worker"];
var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS=["FileReaderSync"];
// In main.js
var { Worker, FileReaderSync } = Cu.import(data.url('workers.jsm'));
I figure there has to be a solution since the documentation here seems to indicate that the FileReaderSync class should be available to a Web Worker in Firefox:
This interface is only available in workers as it enables synchronous I/O that could potentially block.
So, is there a way to make FileReaderSync available and usable in the my Web Worker code?
Actually, your worker sends "ERROR" if FileReaderSync
is defined since you negated it twice. Change !!FileReaderSync
to !FileReaderSync
and it will work correctly.
I guess that you tried to find the issue with the code you commented out. The problem is, reader.readAsText('/tmp/hello.txt')
won't work - this method expects a blob (or file). The worker itself cannot construct a file but you can create it in your extension and send to the worker with a message:
worker.postMessage(new File("/tmp/hello.txt"));
Note: I'm not sure whether the Add-on SDK defines the File
constructor, you likely have to use the same trick as for the Worker
The worker can then read the data from this file:
onmessage = function(event)
var reader = new FileReaderSync();
postMessage("File contents: " + reader.readAsText(event.data));