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GWT requestfactory: can not get a list of valueproxy inside an EntityProxy

class MyEntityProxy
    MyEntityProxy2 ep;

public class MyEntityProxy2
    List<MyValueProxy> values;

class MyValueProxy
    String name;
    String value;

At client side, i hope to send a request to get a list of MyEntityProxy, with MyEntityProxy2 and its value list returned. From debug i can see at server side all MyValueProxy list has been retrieved and returned. but at client side, there are no valueProxy there. eg.getMyValueProxies()==null

I append path info when requesting MyEntityProxy list, like this:

String[] paths=new String[]{"ep","ep.values"};

If i send a request to get MyEntityProxy2 list directly with paths("values") and all values can be returned successfully.

Any ideas about this? Thanks.


  • Ümit is right, the above code works, other logic mistake lead to this problem, thanks Umit for his great reminding.