I'm trying to create a form which allows me to submit new records for an association where the association inputs are grouped.
class Product < AR::Base
has_many :properties
accepts_nested_attributes_for :properties
Note that in the controller a series of properties are built for the product, so @product.properties.empty? # => false
The below fields_for
gives me the correct inputs with names such as product[properties_attributes][0][value]
= form.fields_for :properties do |pform|
= pform.input :value
But as soon as I try and group the association it no longer generates inputs with the correct names:
- @product.properties.group_by(&:group_name).each do |group_name, properties|
%h3= group_name
= form.fields_for properties do |pform|
= pform.input :value
This create inputs which the name
attribute like product[product_property][value]
when in fact it should be product[property_attributes][0][value]
as per the first example.
The Rails documentation suggests you can do this:
= form.fields_for :properties_attributes, properties do |pform|
But this gives an error "undefined method value for Array".
You need to set up like this:
- @product.properties.group_by(&:group_name).each do |group_name, properties|
%h3= group_name
= form.fields_for :properties, properties do |pform|
= pform.text_field :value
It should work fine, since you have accepts_nested_attributes_for :properties
rails know that it's supposed to create fields for properties_attributes
. Moreover you may want to add
attr_accessible :properties_attributes
if you are using one of newest Rails and if you didn't add it to your model yet ;)
Also, if you want to make some decision base on single property you may use the following form as well:
- @product.properties.group_by(&:group_name).each do |group_name, properties|
%h3= group_name
- properties.each do |property|
= form.fields_for :properties, property do |pform|
= pform.text_field :value
Both of them are nicely described here: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Helpers/FormHelper.html#method-i-fields_for under One-To-Many