I learnt rails a couple of years ago out of interest, but now I'm coming back to it because I want to try and build a simple pay-to-advertise niche job site with a few bells and whistles. Many of the rails books I learnt from gave examples of how to build a shopping cart or user authentication system, but looking around on the web there seems to be many plugins that a provide a lot of this common functionality. The choice of plugins however is very large and it's difficult for me to know which ones I should be using.
So my question is this: which (if any) rails plugins would you recommend for building a rails site, and why?
There are literally tons of rails plugins (and gems) to give you the functionality you need, and I'll list some of the ones here that I've had experience with.
There are plenty more, but I don't have time to list them all. If you ever have need for a specific piece of functionality, always Google for it before rolling your own, because there may be a solution out there that fits your needs perfectly.