I am displaying a simple bar chart using RGraph. Found here:RGraph
Here is my code: var vprogress = new RGRAPH.VProgress('vc',200,500);
I also have the following line in my index.hmtl :
<!--[if IE]><script src="/excanvas/excanvas.js"></script><![endif]-->
I also have this in my index.html
<canvas id="vc" width="100px" height="800px">[No Canvas Support]</canvas>
I am unable to view the graph in either IE 6 and 8, I haven't been able to test in 7.
I am getting line errors in excanvas.js and nothing displays.
The graphs work perfectly in Chrome and Firefox.
I must also mention that my javascript is done in a Jquery Ajax function.
Any help would be appreciated.
To anyone interested.
I found that the problem was that I included 'px' in the height and the width. Remove these for it to function correctly.