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C# MySQL second DataReader in DataReader while loop

As you might have guessed from the title am I trying to do this:

    #region check new nations
    private void checknewnations()
        addtolog("server","Checking for new nations");
        string sql = "SELECT * FROM " + variables.tbl_nations + " WHERE nations_new=0";
        MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, connection);
        MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

        while (reader.Read())

            int nation_ID = int.Parse(reader["nations_ID"].ToString());
            string nation_name = reader["nations_name"].ToString();
            string user_ID = reader["nations_user"].ToString();

            addnation(nation_ID, nation_name, user_ID);
        addtolog("server","Finished checking for new nations.");

which calls this in the while loop:

    #region addnation
    private void addnation(int nationIDnot, string nationName, string userID)
        string nationID = makesixdigits(nationIDnot);
        string userName = "";

        string sql = "SELECT * FROM " + variables.tbl_users + " WHERE users_ID=" + userID;
        MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, connection);
        MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

        while (reader.Read())
            userName = reader["users_name"].ToString();
        addtolog("add", "[" + nationID.ToString() + "] " + nationName + " [" + userID + "] " + userName);

This gives me an error in the second block of code (the one that is called upon in the while loop) saying that there already is a datareader associated with the connection. How am I to get this to work, because I am sure there is a way.


  • In 2008 connection strings you can have multiple active results sets via MultipleActiveResultSets=true; I've not used mySQL so I'm not sure, but maybe if you are using an ADO provider.

    Otherwise, just make another connection -- don't re-use the same one.