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What is the "coverage condition"?

The source for the State transformer in mtl states:

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Instances for other mtl transformers
-- All of these instances need UndecidableInstances,
-- because they do not satisfy the coverage condition.

What is the "coverage condition"? All I can tell is that it has something to do with MTPCs and fundeps.


  • Section of the GHC manual tells us what the coverage condition is:

    The Coverage Condition. For each functional dependency, tvsleft -> tvsright, of the class, every type variable in S(tvsright) must appear in S(tvsleft), where S is the substitution mapping each type variable in the class declaration to the corresponding type in the instance declaration.

    In plain English, this means that if you have a type class with fundeps, for example:

    class Convert a b | a -> b where
      convert :: a -> b

    you can define the following instances:

    instance Convert String String   -- no type variables
    instance Convert [a]    [a]      -- type var a present on both sides
    instance Convert (a,b)  a        -- a on the right => a on the left

    but not the following instances:

    instance Convert String a        -- a only present on the right
    instance Convert a      (a,b)    -- b only present on the right