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jQuery Transit: Object none has no method 'setFromString'

I have loaded in jQuery transit, and I made sure I did it after loading jQuery, but I still get this error:

I have looked at the resources panel in Chrome, and jQuery transit is being loaded after jQuery. It has also loaded correctly, and shows up with no problems.

I have also tested in the console, testing the examples on the website. They all return this same error.

here is my code:

  $("#current-employers a.industry-company-link").click(function (e)
        var url = $(this).attr("href");
        var company_container = $("#current-company-profile");
            y: ($(this).offset().top - company_container.offset().top)
        console.log("container offset: " + company_container.offset().top + "\nURL offset: " + $(this).offset().top);

And the scripts I bring in:

<script src=""></script>

        <script src=""></script>

Thanks for any help.


  • Well, turns out it's jQuery's fault in this case. jQuery 1.8 was the culprit here. Loading in 1.7.2 fixed the problem. I will report this bug to the transit and jQuery team.