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Issue with mails sent by Outbound Email

We are sending the mails in chunk of thousands through Outbound Email. We have a newsletter with four images embedded on it. But we have faced a problem that one of these four images getting embedded on all the places in newsletter where the other images should appear when we send mails(I mean to say same image is appearing on all the places). Preview of newsletter page is perfectly fine in CMS. Suggest solution if any.

We are sending the mails in chunk of thousands through Outbound Email. We have a newsletter with four images embedded on it. But we have faced a problem that one of these four images getting embedded on all the places in newsletter where the other images should appear when we send mails(I mean to say same image is appearing on all the places). Preview of newsletter page is perfectly fine in CMS. Suggest solution if any.

This is our code in one DWT:

<tr style="background:@@header_background_color@@ url(@@TrimSpacesFromString(website_url)@@/@@TrimSpacesFromString(header_background_image_url)@@) repeat-x left top;">
    <td style="width:98px; padding:4px 14px 7px">
        <a href="@@website_url@@">
            <img src="@@EmbedImage(logo)@@" width="98" height="98" border="0" alt="@@GetKeyValueForTitle('football_club','AC')@@"/>
    <td  style="width:453px; padding:0px 14px 7px 0; vertical-align:top;">
        another table with data

2nd DWT Code

    <!-- TemplateBeginRepeat name="list" -->        
    <td style="<!-- TemplateBeginIf cond="TemplateRepeatIndex<(listCount-1)" -->padding-right<!-- TemplateEndIf --><!-- TemplateBeginIf cond="TemplateRepeatIndex==(listCount-1)" -->padding-left<!-- TemplateEndIf -->:7px;">
        <table style="width:285px; padding:0 0 20px 0" cellspacing="0">         
            <!-- TemplateBeginIf cond="image" -->
                <td rowspan="2" style="padding:0px 5px 0 0px; width:127px; vertical-align:top;">                        
                    <!-- TemplateBeginIf cond="GetTextValueFromCompOrEmbedField(ID,'link', 'external_link','0')!=''" --> 
                        <!-- TemplateBeginIf cond="GetStatusForExternalUrl(GetTextValueFromCompOrEmbedField(ID,'link','external_link','0'))" -->                    
                            <a href="@@TrimSpacesFromString(GetTextValueFromCompOrEmbedField(ID,'link','external_link','0'))@@" 
                            style="color:@@header_link_color@@; text-decoration:none;" >
                                <!-- <img src="@@EmbedImage(image)@@" width="127" height="108" border="0" alt="players" /> -->                                  
                                <img src="@@EmbedImage(image)@@" width="127" height="108" border="0" alt="@@GetKeyValueForLabel('player','CM')@@" />
                        <!-- TemplateEndIf -->                          
                <!-- TemplateEndIf -->                      

    <!-- TemplateEndRepeat -->      


  • There was a defect in earlier versions whereby sending mails multi-threaded or while the system was under heavy load could occasionally cause the image IDs of embedded images or attachments to be a string of zeros instead of a unique ID.

    This was hotfixed for 2009 SP1 and incorporated into 2011 SP1 as well.

    You are on an earlier version, so the recommended solution is to upgrade to SP1 HR1.