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Ruby on rails association

i am doing a complex association and i have the following problem

i have 2 models. Custmer_bills and Billing_address and both have customer_ids in it. one customer has one billing address and one customer has many customer bills. assoication is as given below.

 class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
    has_one :billing_address
    has_many :customer_bills

    class CustomerBill < ActiveRecord::Base
    attr_accessible :customer_id
    belongs_to :billing_address
    belongs_to :customer

    class BillingAddress< ActiveRecord::Base
    attr_accessible :customer_id, :address, :city, :phone_work, :phone_home
    belongs_to :customer
    has_many :customer_bills

now with this association i am attempting billing address details like address, city, phone-no and displaying in show.html after the bill is created.

i made a belongs_to change in billing address and customer_bill i.e

i have tried the following. in show.html

<% for billing_address in @customer_bill.billing_addresses %>  
    <strong>Billing Address</strong>  
  <%=h billing_address.address%><br/>

  <% end %>

there is no error in the above code but it does not display the details .

for this i had has_and_belongs_to_many association and


and the above gives an error and corresponding code in controller

def show
    @customer_bill = CustomerBill.find(params[:id])
    @bill = BillingAddress.find(params[:customer_id])

so how can i get the billing address details of a customer once the customerbill is made??

Seeking guidance. Thanks in advance.


  • You are using relations in your view that don't correspond to the relations you've specified in your models, and querying the database using the wrong id parameters.

    1. CustomerBill has :billing_address, not :billing_addresses. There is no need for a loop in show.html.erb
    2. You're incorrectly querying BillingAddress using params[:customer_id]. find for BillingAddress is going to search by the :id column, not the customer_id column.

    Based on the information you've provided so far, @bill below is wrong and unnecessary.

    def show
      @customer_bill = CustomerBill.find(params[:id])
      @bill = BillingAddress.find(params[:customer_id])

    If params[:id] is the id value of a CustomerBill, you can get the BillingAddress from the CustomerBill instance without directly querying `BillingAddress.

    def show
      @customer_bill = CustomerBill.find(params[:id])
    # in your view
    <%= @customer_bill.billing_address.address %>

    Also, since CustomerBill only has one BillingAddress, there's no need for the loop

    <% for billing_address in @customer_bill.billing_addresses %>  
      <strong>Billing Address</strong>  
      <%=h billing_address.address%><br/>
    <% end %>

    Can simply be

      <strong>Billing Address</strong>  
      <%=h @customer_bill.billing_address.address%><br/>

    Again, this is all based on the information you've provided. The way you're trying to use relations in your view does not reflect how your relations are setup in the models, so I'm making some assumptions about what you're trying to do (since, for example, you never specified what this was a show method for).