Environment: Java EE 6
How to determine in Interceptor if the invoked bean is container managed (CMT) or bean managed (BMT)?
Beans are by definition always container managed.
Likely you want to know is current transaction CMT or BMT. Because @AroundInvoke interceptor method is executed in same transaction as intercepted business method, you can check transaction type with following:
public class SomeInterceptor {
private javax.ejb.SessionContext sessionContext;
public Object intercept(InvocationContext ctx) throws Exception {
if (isCMT()) {
private boolean isCMT() {
try {
//throws IllegalStateException if not BMT
return false;
catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
return true;
Of course using exceptions to control flow is bad, but I am not aware of alternative method to differentiate between BMT and CMT.