I have a grid with checkboxselectionmodel. Here i have faced a problem, The delete button will be disabled when I am deselecting any of the selected record (still some records are selected). I need to make the delete button as enabled when any record is selected. Here is the code I am used,
function setDetail(action, r){
switch (action) {
case 'update':
var checkboxselection = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel({
singleSelect: false,
listeners: {
'selectionchange' : function(sm) {
rowselect : function(sm, i, r) {
selectedRecord.idProperty = r.get('pos');
setDetail('update', r);
rowdeselect : function () {
Thankz in advance....
rowdeselect : function () {
This Part disables your delete button whenever you deselect even a single checkbox. The code is working fine. Your logic is wrong here. You can do this by maintaining a counter which changes based on every checkbox selection. (+1 if checked.. -1 if unchecked) and in your setDetail method based on the counter you can enable or disable your Delete button.