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How to avoid resized images being blurred in Coldfusion?

I'm resizing and saving some images using Coldfusion8. However, all images, no matter what size are blurred and I don't know how to turn it off.

This is what I'm doing:

<cfimage action="read" source="#variables.basePath#" name="base">
    variables.height = 127;
    variables.width = "";
    ImageScaleToFit(base, variables.width, variables.height);
    variables.offset = ImageGetWidth( base ) - 100;
    if ( variables.offset GT 0 )
        imageCrop( base, variables.offset/2, 0, 100, 127 );
    variables.filekey = "s_" & img_paths.bilddateiname;
    variables.filename = variables.tempDirectory & variables.keyName;
    imageWrite( base, variables.filename, ".99" );

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? The images are blurred no matter if I convert to 800x1110px or the above 100x127. The base picture is sharp, so it must be something I'm doing when resizing.

Thanks for inputs!

EDIT: original image:

enter image description here

resized image:

enter image description here


  • Using CF9.0.2

    Using your source jpeg, your code, and hardcode the output to be y.jpg:


    What's wrong? Isn't this what you expect?