im using two selects (chained) and each select has values of site and type, 3 sites, and 2 types. so Im setting a default value for the text input based on which is selected, I am going this route
if ("car" == $("#type").val() && "bmw" == $("#site").val()) $("#id").val('1565');
if ("truck" == $("#type").val() && "bmw" == $("#site").val()) $("#id").val('1565');
for example for the bmw site, and this would be repeated for the 2 other sites.
is a better way to go about this other than 6 if statements?
How about making use of nested associative array - basically define your data then look it up...
var data = {
car: {
bmw: 1565,
ford: 1900
truck: {
bmw: 1565,
volvo: 2001
var typeValue = $("#type").val();
var siteValue = $("#site").val();
var dataValue = data[typeValue][siteValue];
if (dataValue) {