The following error message appears when running the code below:
c#: Output Parameter Index[1] too high or too low for Component.
The IGH_DataAccess
is already providing an iteration count in the help it says "Gets the current iteration count". The first time the SolveInstance()
function is called on a component during a solution the Iteration counter will be zero. It will be incremented by one for every subsequent call. When using DA.SetData(0, m_settings[0]);
it does show the first line.
The error message appears in the program used and I get the following exception on DA.SetData(i, m_settings[i]);
System.Exception occurred
Message=Unknown file
at Grasshopper.Global_Proc.ASSERT(Guid assert_id, String message, Exception exception) in C:\dev\Grasshopper\1.0\root\src\GH_GlobalProc.vb:line 98
Herafter is the description of the IGH_DataAccess.SetData Method: Stores data in an output parameter during GH_Component.SolveInstance(). Use this function only for setting individual data items. If you want to set lists of data, you *must* call SetDataList() instead.
When changing the code to DA.SetDataList(i, m_settings[i]);
the characters of the first line get split while I want every line to get split.
What am I doing wrong?
string[] m_settings;
public void ShowSettingsGui()
var dialog = new OpenFileDialog {
Filter = "Data Sources (*.ini)|*.ini*|All Files|*.*" };
if (dialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return;
m_settings = File.ReadAllLines(dialog.FileName);
protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
if (m_settings == null)
"You must declare some valid settings");
for (var i = 0; i < m_settings.Length; i++)
DA.SetData(i, m_settings[i]);
Thanks in advance!
This was solved by using the following code, replacing the SetData by SetDatalist with no loop and a different way of splitting the strings:
string m_settings_temp;
string[] m_settings;
public void ShowSettingsGui()
var dialog = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = "Data Sources (*.ini)|*.ini*|All Files|*.*" };
if (dialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return;
m_settings_temp = File.ReadAllText(dialog.FileName);
m_settings = m_settings_temp.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);
protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
if (m_settings == null)
AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "You must declare some valid settings");
DA.SetDataList(0, m_settings);