Im wondering if there is a short hand for collapsing a map of an option. For example
def divideByThree(x:Int) = if (x == 0) None else Some(x/3)
val result = Some(6) map (divideByThree(_))
resut:Option[Option[Int]] = Some(Some(2))
To fix this I do
val result = Some(6) match {
case Some(i) => divideByThree(i)
case None => None
Which seems a bit heavy going. I could create an implicit function on Option say mapOption to deal with this, but am wondering if there is a nicer way I haven't thought of.
You can use flatMap
like in:
def divideByThree(x:Int) = if (x == 0) None else Some(x/3)
val opx = None // Or: Some(10)
val mapped = opx.flatMap(divideByThree)