I've a quick question:
I have 2 websites, 1 has some links to file downloads. Those files are hosted on another server. I need to encrypt the request data between the 2 servers..can I do it just using a SSL certificate?
Any other/better idea?
Those files are private docs, so I don't want the server 2 or any other people being able to track the file requests between the servers.
Yes, use SSL (or actually TLS) if you want to achieve transport level security. If these are two servers that you control you can configure your own self signed certificates. If you want to make sure that only the two servers can communicate with each other, then require client-authentication, where both the server and client use a certificate/private key pair.
Most of the time the trick is to implement a sensible key management procedure. Setting up a web server to handle TLS using certificates should not be too hard.