You've been excellent with my other questions previously - so here I am again, in need of some help!
I've got a query which joins three tables and a strongly typed dataset which has the columns defined for everything which comes back from the query. When I go to fill the dataadapter, nothing gets filled. I've copied the code from another method, so I presume it's okay - the only difference is that this query has joins. Any help appreciated, code follows:
select gsh.locid, locations.description, GSH.workorder, GSH.comstatus, GSH.teststatus, GSH.fireresult, GSH.lightresult, GSH.watercold, GSH.waterhot, GSH.responsedate, GSH.comments, GSH.testername
from gsh_vhs_locations locs
left outer join locations on locs.maximoloc = locations.location
left outer join gsh_vhs_comms GSH on locs.LOCID = GSH.locid
where gsh.insertdate > sysdate-7
order by locid, locations.description, GSH.workorder, GSH.comstatus, GSH.teststatus, GSH.fireresult, GSH.lightresult, GSH.watercold, GSH.waterhot, GSH.responsedate, GSH.comments, GSH.testername
ResponseSheet Tests = new ResponseSheet();
DataSet ReturData = new DataSet();
OracleDataAdapter da;
using (OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(ConnString))
OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand();
cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandText = @"select gsh.locid, locations.description, GSH.workorder, GSH.comstatus, GSH.teststatus, GSH.fireresult, GSH.lightresult, GSH.watercold, GSH.waterhot, GSH.responsedate, GSH.comments, GSH.testername
from gsh_vhs_locations locs
left outer join locations on locs.maximoloc = locations.location
left outer join gsh_vhs_comms GSH on locs.LOCID = GSH.locid
where gsh.insertdate > sysdate-7
order by locid, locations.description, GSH.workorder, GSH.comstatus, GSH.teststatus, GSH.fireresult, GSH.lightresult, GSH.watercold, GSH.waterhot, GSH.responsedate, GSH.comments, GSH.testername ";
da = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd.CommandText, conn);
da.MissingMappingAction = MissingMappingAction.Error;
da.TableMappings.Add("Table", "ResponseSheet");
da.Fill(ReturData, "ResponseSheet");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine(TimeStamp() + ex.Message.ToString() + "Get Capture Report (TraceCode: 00019)");
return ReturData;
As you can see, I've turned the error reporting for table mappings on, but I get no errors at run time, just an empty dataset (da = null)
Anything you can help with guys, just poke random google phrases at me if needs be - thanks :)
Okay guys
I found the issue.
I'm very sorry, but for some reason my TNSnames wasn't set up for the new dev database (literally changed it that afternoon and had missed one letter off)
so it was hitting the catch and I wasn't spotting it.
I feel very stupid, but thank you all for your help anyway.
Henk has tidied up my code considerably and Beth made me take note that there was actually a problem with the query (the joins arent right, but it still returns data).
Thanks again all,
EDIT: Further to this, the table mappings were out (a nights sleep seems to be the key to solving this one!) so for future reference anyone:
da.MissingMappingAction = MissingMappingAction.Passthrough; da.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.Add;
adds all the relevant table mappings to the data adapter and it fills properly now.