I am learning to write jquery-ui plugins using the widget-factory pattern. For cleaner organization, I have some helper methods defined inside the object literal that is passed to $.widget
. I would like to access the options object in those helpers. For example in the boilerplate below, how do I access the options object inside _helper()
;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) {
$.widget( "namespace.widgetName" , {
options: {
someValue: null
_create: function () {
// initialize something....
destroy: function () {
_helper: function () {
// I want to access options here.
// "this" points to the dom element,
// not this object literal, therefore this.options wont work
console.log('methodB called');
_setOption: function ( key, value ) {
switch (key) {
case "someValue":
//this.options.someValue = doSomethingWith( value );
//this.options[ key ] = value;
$.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply( this, arguments );
})( jQuery, window, document );
Thank you.
So you're doing this inside your _create
and you want this
inside the _helper
to be the this
on this._helper
(i.e. your widget).
There are various solutions:
You could use $.proxy
$(some_selector).click($.bind(this._helper, this));
Underscore also has _.bind
and there's a native Function.bind
if you don't have to worry about JavaScript version issues). Other libraries will have their own function binding tools. You already have jQuery in play so $.proxy
is already available and portable as well.
You could use the standard var _this = this;
trick proxy the _helper
call yourself:
var _this = this;
$(some_selector).click(function() { _this._helper() });
You could use the eventData
form of click
$(some_selector).click({ self: this }, this._helper);
and then in _helper
_helper: function(ev) {
var self = ev.data.self;
// 'self' is the 'this' you're looking for.