So I have been trying to scrape a websites data.asp file (which seems to be formatted in json) into my website to be displayed as a chart I seem to be able to get the json data but will not display as a chart in either googles chart API or fusioncharts I am not sure what I am doing wrong although in the examples on google and fusioncharts there json data is formatted differently would i have to change mine to meet that? and how would i do this to make sure that as the data.asp file is updated on the external website it is updated on mine also?
EDIT: Is there an easier way to get the data (aswell as on update) into a chart?
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Forgot to add what the JSON looks like -
{"medals": {
"Archery":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "0" }],
"Track & Field":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "1", "bronze": "0", "total": "1" }],
"Badminton":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "0" }],
"Basketball":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "0" }],
"Beach Volleyball":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "0" }],
"Boxing":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "0" }],
"Diving":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "0" }],
"Equestrian":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "1", "total": "1" }],
"Soccer":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "0" }],
"Fencing":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "0" }],
"Handball":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "0" }],
"Field Hockey":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "0" }],
"Judo":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "0" }],
"Modern Pentathlon":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "0" }],
"Rowing":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "3", "silver": "0", "bronze": "2", "total": "5" }],
"Sailing":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "1", "silver": "1", "bronze": "0", "total": "2" }],
"Shooting":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "0" }],
"Swimming":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "0" }],
"Synchronized Swimming":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "0" }],
"Tennis":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "0" }],
"Taekwondo":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "0" }],
"Triathlon":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "0" }],
"Table Tennis":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "0" }],
"Volleyball":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "0" }],
"Weightlifting":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "0" }],
"Water Polo":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "0" }],
"Wrestling":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "0" }],
"Cycling":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "1", "bronze": "2", "total": "3" }],
"Gymnastics":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "0", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "0" }],
"Canoe":[ { "stats_id": "83", "gold": "1", "silver": "0", "bronze": "0", "total": "1" }]
Yes, you will need to reformat your data. Get the data, convert it to a real javascript object and iterates over it and re-create the structure in the way your APIs understand. To convert JSON to an Object you cand use $.parseJSON method of the jQuery library.
Another thing. These data are obtained by your server and them redirected to your application?
Edit: Here is one example:
// this way, data is already an object
var data = { "medals": {
"stats_id": "83",
"gold": "0",
"silver": "0",
"bronze": "0",
"total": "0"
"Track & Field":[{
"stats_id": "83",
"gold": "0",
"silver": "1",
"bronze": "0",
"total": "1"
}] // more data here...
// if data comes this way (a String), it needs to be parsed
var dataStr = "{ \"medals\": {" +
" \"Archery\":[{" +
" \"stats_id\": \"83\"," +
" \"gold\": \"0\"," +
" \"silver\": \"0\"," +
" \"bronze\": \"0\"," +
" \"total\": \"0\"" +
" }]," +
" \"Track & Field\":[{" +
" \"stats_id\": \"83\"," +
" \"gold\": \"0\"," +
" \"silver\": \"1\"," +
" \"bronze\": \"0\"," +
" \"total\": \"1\"" +
" }]" + // more data here...
console.log( data );
var obj = $.parseJSON( dataStr );
console.log( obj );
// traverses the object to see all its properties
function traverseObj( data ) {
for ( var key in data ) {
var value = data[key];
if ( $.isPlainObject( value ) ) {
console.log( "**key: " + key );
traverseObj( value );
} else if ( $.isArray( value ) ) {
console.log( "key: " + key );
var values = "";
for ( var i = 0; i < value.length; i++ ) {
var currValue = value[i];
if ( $.isPlainObject( currValue ) ) {
} else {
values += currValue + ", ";
if ( values != "" ) {
console.log( " - value: " + value );
} else {
console.log( "key: " + key + " - value: " + value );
Here is the fiddle: