I'm processing annotations with APT in compile time, and I need to get the values of @XmlElement
annotations in some classes. The class looks something like this:
public class ComponentConfig {
@XmlElement(type = Sample1.class, name = "sample-1-config"),
@XmlElement(type = Sample2.class, name = "sample-2-config"),
@XmlElement(type = Sample3.class, name = "sample-3-config"),
I'd like to get the name
value of the @XmlElement
, but the following processor code cannot fetch it for me:
List<? extends AnnotationMirror> annotationMirrors = element.getAnnotationMirrors();
for (AnnotationMirror mirror : annotationMirrors) {
if (mirror.getAnnotationType().toString().equals(XML_ELEMENT)) {
It's not APT, but it works with the AbstractProcessor
of JDK6+:
public boolean process(final Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations,
final RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
System.out.println(" > ---- process2 method starts " + hashCode());
System.out.println(" > annotations: " + annotations);
for (final TypeElement annotation: annotations) {
System.out.println(" > annotation: " + annotation.toString());
processAnnotation(roundEnv, annotation);
System.out.println(" > processingOver: " + roundEnv.processingOver());
System.out.println(" > ---- process2 method ends " + hashCode());
return false;
private void processAnnotation(final RoundEnvironment roundEnv,
final TypeElement annotation) {
final Set<? extends Element> annotateds =
for (final Element element: annotateds) {
private void processElement(final Element element) {
System.out.println(" > class: " + element);
System.out.println(" > class2: " + element.getClass());
final List<? extends Element> enclosedElements =
for (final Element enclosedElement: enclosedElements) {
private void processEnclosedElement(final Element enclosedElement) {
final XmlElements xmlElements =
if (xmlElements == null) {
final XmlElement[] xmlElemntValues = xmlElements.value();
for (final XmlElement xmlElementValue: xmlElemntValues) {
System.out.println(" > name: " + xmlElementValue.name());
> annotations: [hu.palacsint.annotation.MyAnnotation]
> annotation: hu.palacsint.annotation.MyAnnotation
> class: hu.palacsint.annotation.p2.ClassTwo
> class2: class com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol$ClassSymbol
> name: sample-1-config
> name: sample-2-config
> name: sample-3-config
> processingOver: false
My former question also could help: Processing different annotations with the same Processor instance