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wsimport - Two declarations cause a collision, same line given

Trying to use wsimport to generate a client for a SOAP endpoint. The WSDL and all XSD files used are local copies.

This is the command being executed:

wsimport ./bwWsdl.xml -p com.generated -Xnocompile -d ../src -extension -keep -XadditionalHeaders -B-XautoNameResolution

Which gives this error:

[ERROR] Two declarations cause a collision in the ObjectFactory class.
  line 16 of file:/schemas/newSchema.xsd

[ERROR] (Related to above error) This is the other declaration.   
  line 16 of file:/schemas/newSchema.xsd

Note the line number is the same for the reported collision.

Here's the schema:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified"
  version="2.004" id="OTA2003A2009A">

  <xs:complexType name="TPA_ExtensionsType">
      <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Description here.
      <xs:any processContents="skip" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

  <xs:element name="TPA_Extensions" type="TPA_ExtensionsType">
      <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">More description here.</xs:documentation>

I've tried removing the type definition, but it's referenced in a slew of other places.

Could anyone please offer any advice for how to get this to work?



Here's the lines where the WSDL imports these schemas:

<definitions name='ResLookupGet' targetNamespace='' xmlns='' xmlns:http='' xmlns:mime='' xmlns:ns='' xmlns:rq='' xmlns:rs='' xmlns:soap='' xmlns:tns='' xmlns:xsd=''>
  <xsd:schema targetNamespace='' xmlns:tns='' xmlns:xsd=''>
   <xsd:import namespace='' schemaLocation='./schemas/FooAffiliateHeaderRQ.xsd'/>
   <xsd:import namespace='' schemaLocation='./schemas/FooResLookupGetRQ.xsd'/>
   <xsd:import namespace='' schemaLocation='./schemas/FooResLookupGetRS.xsd'/>
<message name='ResLookupGetRQ'>
  <part element='rq:FooResLookupGetRQ' name='FooResLookupGetRQ'></part>
 <message name='ResLookupGetRS'>
  <part element='rs:FooResLookupGetRS' name='FooResLookupGetRS'></part>


  • Thanks to the help of @Petru Gardea I was able to eventually get past this by omitting the -p com.generated package specification to wsimport. So this is what I was eventually able to run to get past this problem:

    wsimport ./bwWsdl.xml -Xnocompile -d ../src -extension -keep -XadditionalHeaders -B-XautoNameResolution

    The reasoning for it is wsimport is trying to generate classes in the same package with the same name and/or methods, which it obviously cannot do.

    So by omitting the forced package declaration, wsimport is able to put the classes in whatever packages it wants, which turns out to be 3 different packages per the <xsd:schema> definition in the WSDL.

    Thanks again @Petru!