I want to use cedet to navigate in my program. I use semantic-ia-fast-jump to jump to the declaration, and semantic-analyze-proto-impl-toggle to jump to implementation. I found this two command need the files in the same dirctory. So I need to add all of the directories to the search path. I refer to a guy from the internet. the code like as follow:
(setq semanticdb-project-roots (list (expand-file-name "~/")))
(defconst cedet-user-include-dirs
(list "~/samuel/project/modules/MManage/inc"
(require 'semantic-c nil 'noerror)
(let ((include-dirs cedet-user-include-dirs))
(mapc (lambda (dir)
(semantic-add-system-include dir 'c++-mode)
(semantic-add-system-include dir 'c-mode))
I have several modules , so I need to add many directories. It's not converient and not portable. I think it must be a good way to config this.
PS: refer to http://alexott.net/en/writings/emacs-devenv/EmacsCedet.html#sec6
My setting like following
(ede-cpp-root-project "library_samuel"
:name "library_samuel project"
:file (expand-file-name "~/samuel/project_self/library_samuel/CMakeLists.txt")
:include-path '("/common/include" "/modules/MManage/inc" "/modules/ImageProcess/inc" )
:spp-table '(("BUILD_APP" . "")))
semantic-ia-fast-jump can work well, but the semantic-analyze-proto-impl-toggle can't work . It seems that the head and source files must in the same directories. how to solve this problem.
It's better to setup projects (look to my article on CEDET, for example). And inside the project, you can refer to relative paths using include-path