I'm using Ultimate Hosting package of GoDaddy. The account has a static IP and SSL installed. Now when I'm trying to use an API which needs static IP. But scripts are sending requests from random IPs. Please suggest me an way.
My Script
$soap_exception_occured = false;
$wsdl_path = 'http://vrapi.sslwireless.com/?wsdl';
$response = '';
ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', '0'); // disabling WSDL cache
try {
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl_path);
catch(SoapFault $exception) {
$soap_exception_occured = true;
$response .= '\nError occoured when connecting to the SMS SOAP Server!';
$response .= '\nSoap Exception: '.$exception;
I'm using SOAP. Can IP binding help me ?
Try this and let me know what happend
$soap_exception_occured = false;
$ipandport = array(
'socket' => array(
'bindto' => 'xx.xx.xx.xx:port',
$setip = stream_context_create(ipandport);
$wsdl_path = 'http://vrapi.sslwireless.com/?wsdl';
$response = '';
ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', '0'); // disabling WSDL cache
try {
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl_path, array('stream_context' => $setip));
catch(SoapFault $exception) {
$soap_exception_occured = true;
$response .= '\nError occoured when connecting to the SMS SOAP Server!';
$response .= '\nSoap Exception: '.$exception;