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Running ant junit target from maven

We are starting the move to maven by first wrapping our ant builds in maven.

We can get maven to build the project, but not to run the tests. We are trying to execute the ant test target, in build.xml, from maven. Of course when we run the test target from ant everything is fine.

Below is the error that is displayed for one test class (same for others). This class has several test methods in it, but none are getting run. This seems to be a JUnit version problem; the tests are JUnit 4 tests, and if we change the test class to extend TestCase (JUnit 3 style) it finds the tests.

No tests found in org.mathforum.common.dao.ExampleBaseObjectDaoTest

junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: No tests found in org.mathforum.common.dao.ExampleBaseObjectDaoTest   at 
org.apache.maven.plugin.antrun.AntRunMojo.execute(  at 
org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultPluginManager.executeMojo( at 
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.executeGoals( at 
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.executeGoalWithLifecycle( at 
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.executeGoal(  at 
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.executeGoalAndHandleFailures( at 
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.executeTaskSegments(  at 
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.execute(  at 
org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(  at 
org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(    at 
org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main(   at 
org.apache.maven.cli.compat.CompatibleMain.main( at 
org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launchEnhanced( at 
org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launch( at     
org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.mainWithExitCode(   at     

Here's our pom:



                    <artifactId>aspectjtools</artifactId> <!-- apectj ant plugin -->
                    <!--scope>test</scope -->
                    <!--scope>test</scope -->
                            <ant antfile="${basedir}/build.xml">
                                <target name="build" />
                            <ant antfile="${basedir}/build.xml">
                                <target name="test" />
                                <!-- need test failure to fail the build -->
        <!--scope>test</scope -->
        <!--scope>test</scope -->

And here is my build.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<project basedir="." default="build" name="mf-common" xmlns:aspectj="antlib:org.aspectj">
<path id="EAR Libraries.libraryclasspath" />
<path id="aspectj.libraryclasspath">
    <fileset dir="lib">
        <include name="*.jar" />
<path id="common.classpath">
    <fileset dir="test/lib">
        <include name="*.jar" />
    <path refid="aspectj.libraryclasspath" />

    <path refid="EAR Libraries.libraryclasspath" />

<taskdef resource="org/aspectj/tools/ant/taskdefs/">
        <path refid="common.classpath" />
        <pathelement location="lib/aspectjtools.jar" />

<property environment="env" />
<property name="debuglevel" value="source,lines,vars" />
<property name="target" value="1.6" />
<property name="source" value="1.6" />

<target name="init">
    <mkdir dir="bin" />
    <copy includeemptydirs="false" todir="bin">
        <fileset dir="src" excludes="**/*.launch, **/*.java" />
    <copy includeemptydirs="false" todir="bin">
        <fileset dir="test/src" excludes="**/*.launch, **/*.java" />

<target name="clean">
    <delete dir="bin" />
    <delete file="dist/${}.jar" />

<target depends="clean" name="cleanall" />

<target depends="init" name="build">
    <echo message="${}: ${ant.file}" />

    <javac debug="true" debuglevel="${debuglevel}" destdir="bin" source="${source}" target="${target}">
        <src path="src" />
        <classpath refid="common.classpath" />
    <javac debug="true" debuglevel="${debuglevel}" destdir="bin" source="${source}" target="${target}">
        <src path="test/src" />
        <classpath refid="common.classpath" />
    <copy includeemptydirs="false" todir="bin">
        <fileset dir="src" excludes="**/*.launch, **/*.java" />
    <copy includeemptydirs="false" todir="bin">
        <fileset dir="test/src" excludes="**/*.launch, **/*.java" />

    <echo message="after javac" />

    <aspectj:iajc debug="true" noweave="true" outJar="dist/mf-common.jar" sourceRootCopyFilter="**/CVS/*,**/*.java,**/*properties" sourceroots="bin/" source="${source}" target="${target}">
        <classpath refid="common.classpath" />


<target name="test" depends="build">
    <ant dir="${basedir}" inheritAll="false" antfile="test.xml" />


So why is maven running with JUnit 3 when we told it to use JUnit 4? I ran mvn -X test and saw that the JUnit 3.8.1 jar is being pulled in for some reason, but I don't know how to figure out why.


I found that the maven antrun plugin depends on junit 3.8.1

So that explains how Junit 3 is getting pulled in.

So what do I do now? Is there a way to run my JUnit 4 tests via an ant task in build.xml using the maven antrun plugin?


  • This is not a direct answer to the question but my recommendation to handle the issue (thus I first put it as a comment):

    Moving to maven should not be done by wrapping ant targets. Try to (at least) adopt the maven standard directory layout. If you can not do this, try to change the standard maven test source directoy by configuration (overwrite the Supor POM setting). And finally use the maven build lifecycle to compile and test.