I want to use in GWT a menu widget (tutorial and code is here: http://tympanus.net/codrops/2010/07/16/slide-down-box-menu/) that has the javascript code written with jQuery. The jQuery code seems simple, but i do not have experience with this library, so I would like to know what is the best (fast and simple let's say) way to use (run) that code in GWT (maybe I'll use other jQuery widgets as well).
I found a library called gwtquery and if this is the approach to take, any advice or code would be very very useful (in speeding up that code wrapping process ).
You can use jQuery with GWT.
object in JSNI.Here is a short (untested) example demonstrating how to embed the sample JavaScript code from the slide-down-box-menu website in GWT. This example doesn't do much GWT<->JSNI/jQuery interaction, but it does integrate the standard jQuery code in a GWT class.
import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint;
public class MyEntryPoint implements EntryPoint
public void onModuleLoad()
public static final native void configureMenu()
$wnd.$(function() {
$wnd.$('#sdt_menu > li').bind('mouseenter',function(){
var $elem = $wnd.$(this);
var $sub_menu = $elem.find('.sdt_box');
var left = '170px';
if($elem.parent().children().length == $elem.index()+1)
left = '-170px';
var $elem = $wnd.$(this);
var $sub_menu = $elem.find('.sdt_box');
}-*/; // end JSNI method
} // end class
The gwtquery library is not what you are looking for: it is not related to jQuery except for mimicing its API.