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jPlayer - Simplify function for multiples instances

I am working on a music contest site which has a lot of instances (90) of jPlayer on the same page. The players work but unfortunately I have to wait between 5s - 30s before loading and playing song.

This is jQuery code for each player:

    ready: function () {
        $(this).jPlayer("setMedia", {
            m4a: "url/contest/sounds/radioacoustik-rita.m4a",
            ogg: "url/contest/sounds/radioacoustik-rita.ogg"
    play: function() { // To avoid both jPlayers playing together.

    swfPath: "url/contest/js/Jplayer.swf",
    supplied: "m4a, ogg",
    solution: "html, flash",
            preload: 'metadata',
    cssSelectorAncestor: "#jp_container_2",  
    wmode: "window"

Is there a way for me to simplify this code and allow me to load all the songs faster?


Ok, so i try to simplify the code by passing some parameters into variables :


            var lecteurNum = $(this).addClass("" + (i+1));
  }); //loop through audio and assign a unique class for each

var wrapPlayer = $(".wrap-player"); 
    var classLecteur = wrapPlayer.parent().attr('class').split(' ')[1];
var newPlayerId = "jquery_jplayer_" + classLecteur; // create id jquery_player
var jpContainerId = "#jp_container_" + classLecteur; // create id for jp-container
var songPath = wrapPlayer.attr("rel"); // get url of current sound 

$("#" +  newPlayerId).jPlayer({
            ready: function () {
                    $(this).jPlayer("setMedia", {
            m4a: "" + songPath + ".m4a",
                    oga: "" + songPath  + ".ogg",
            play: function() { // To avoid both jPlayers playing together.

          swfPath: "",
    solution: "html, flash",
    supplied: "m4a, oga",
    cssSelectorAncestor: "",
    wmode: "window"



It seems to work, but all instances playing together the same track (the first).. Any solutions ?


  • Ok i solved the problem, this function works :

    the HTML /

    <div class="lecteur">
        <!--PLAYER #1-->
        <div class="wrap-player" rel="contest/sounds/lord-fauttafer">
               <div id="jquery_jplayer_<?php echo $player_id1; ?>" class="jp-jplayer"></div>
                    <div id="jp_container_<?php echo $player_id1; ?>" class="jp-audio">
                        <div class="jp-type-single">
                            <div class="jp-gui jp-interface">
                                <!--section title - volume bar -->
                                    <div class="wrap-volume-bar-title">
                                        <div class="jp-title">
                                                <li><?php echo $title_sound_1; ?></li>
                                        <div class="wrap-volume-bar">
                                            <div class="jp-volume-bar">
                                                <div class="jp-volume-bar-value"></div>
                                    <!--section controllers -->
                                    <ul class="jp-controls">
                                        <li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-play" tabindex="1">play</a></li>
                                        <li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-pause" tabindex="1">pause</a></li>
                                        <li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-stop" tabindex="1">stop</a></li>
                                        <li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-mute" tabindex="1" title="mute">mute</a></li>
                                        <li><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-unmute" tabindex="1" title="unmute">unmute</a></li>
                                        <li style="display:none"><a href="javascript:;" class="jp-volume-max" tabindex="1" title="max volume">max volume</a></li>
                                    <!--section ptogress bar -->
                                    <div class="jp-progress">
                                        <div class="jp-seek-bar">
                                            <div class="jp-play-bar"> </div>
                                        <div class="jp-current-time"></div>
                                        <div class="jp-duration"></div>
                                   <div class="wrap-time-duration"></div>
                           <!-- end jp-UI--> 
                           <div class="jp-no-solution">
                               <span>Mise à jour requise</span>
                              Vous devez mettre à jour votre navigateur en téléchargeant la dernière version de falsh player <a href="" target="_blank">Flash plugin</a>.
                   <!-- end player1-->  

    And the javascript :

                var vidNum = $(this).addClass("" + (i+1));
    }); //loop and assign a unique class for each
        var wrapPlayer = $(".wrap-player"); 
        var classLecteur = $(this).attr('class').split(' ')[1]; //get the class number of current lecteur
        var newPlayerId = "jquery_jplayer_" + classLecteur; // create id jquery_player
        var songPath = $(this).find(".wrap-player").attr("rel"); // get url of current sound 
        $("#" +  newPlayerId).jPlayer({
                ready: function () {
                        $(this).jPlayer("setMedia", {
                                m4a: "http://url/" + songPath + ".m4a",
                                oga: "http://url/" + songPath  + ".ogg",
                play: function() { // To avoid both jPlayers playing together.
        swfPath: "http://url/contest/js/Jplayer.swf",
        solution: "html, flash",
        supplied: "m4a, oga",
        cssSelectorAncestor: "#jp_container_" + classLecteur,
        wmode: "window"