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Open Source Applications using distributed caching solutions

I am looking for a list of open source Java applications which use the distributed caching solutions like ehcache, infinispan, Hazelcast etc?

For my research I am making changes in locking behavior of these caches and trying to understand the performance changes. To substantiate my results I want to use some production level real world applications, not some dummy cache access pattern generator. Can someone provide a list of 5-6 good open source projects which uses these products in distributed settings?

Otherwise can someone provide a list of open source distributed computing based java projects which require a high level of concurrency?


  • Here is the list of several open source projects that use Hazelcast

    • Apache Tuscany
    • Alfresco
    • OrientDB
    • vert.x
    • Mozilla metrics: Several projects like baghera, socorro and etc.