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Get cursor position or number of line on which the cursor is in TinyMCE

How to get the cursor position in TinyMCE or the number of line on which the cursor is in TinyMCE?


  • Here is the part of a function from one of my own plugins i use to get the actual line number:

            var ed = tinymce.get('my_editor_id');
            var bm = ed.selection.getBookmark();
            var $marker = $(ed.getBody()).find('#';
            var elem = ed.getDoc().getElementById('_start');
            try {
                box = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
                                // should not happen
                console.log('error creating box: ' + e);
            var doc = ed.getDoc(),
                docElem = doc.documentElement,
                body = ed.getBody(),
                win = ed.getWin(),
                clientTop  = docElem.clientTop  || body.clientTop  || 0,
                clientLeft = docElem.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0,
                scrollTop  = win.pageYOffset || && docElem.scrollTop  || body.scrollTop,
                scrollLeft = win.pageXOffset || && docElem.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft,
                top  =  + scrollTop  - clientTop,
                left = box.left + scrollLeft - clientLeft;
            // set Bookmark
            var caret_line = Math.floor( (top) / lineHeight ) + 1;

    The function getBoundingClientRect() is used to create a box from which we can get several positioning information. Be aware the we need to use a marker-element and reset the caret later on.

    Update: Info for lineHeight

                // get height of row: eighter line-height or min-height
                if ( $(ed.getBody()).find('p:first').css('line-height') != 'normal'){
                    lineHeight = $(ed.getBody()).find('p:first').css('line-height') ;
                else {
                    lineHeight = $(ed.getBody()).find('p:first').css('min-height');
                var lineHeight = lineHeight.substr(0, lineHeight.length -2 );