Can someone give me some hints about how to combine bumblebee with requireJs? BumbleBee combines Rhino, JSpec, Envjs and Ant to provide an "out of the box" JavaScript testing toolkit. Its very usefull for us because it makes a simple stand-alone-running possible in terminal on ubuntu-boxes.
Our whole JS-code based on requireJs-Modules, and it seems, that required modules are not loaded if they wehre required out of spec-files from envjs/bumblebee/rhine (what kind of stuff ever may be responsible for that), may be due to the fact of asynchronousity in requireJs.
What i've done:
These files could be interesting:
lib/bumblebee.js (which i considered as the entrypoint of the whole test-suite):
var runSpec = function(spec) {
define(function(require) {
var dep = require('dependency');
//The value returned from the function is
//used as the module export visible to Node.
return function () {};
require(['dependency'], function(d){
} );
var specs = arguments;
jQuery.each(specs, function(index, spec) {
.run({ reporter: JSpec.reporters.Terminal, fixturePath: 'spec/fixtures' })
Only "A3" will be printed to console, require-based Code will never be executed here.
Tthen I put the define/require-parts into the spec-files from the example-files and detected also, that i cant use modules with require because that they will not loaded and are not pressent.
Considering the original spec-file from BambleBee-Examples:
describe('Greeter', function() {
it('greets people', function() {
expect(example.greeter().greet()).to(eql, 'Hello!');
When I now use requireJS-specific modules, they will also not be loaded:
describe('Greeter', function() {
require(['dependency'], function(d){
// do something with D...
console.log("This will **NEVER** be printed");
} );
console.log("This **WILL** be printed");
it('greets people', function() {
expect(example.greeter().greet()).to(eql, 'Hello!');
The Question:
Is there a way to combine Envjs with requireJS or is EnvJS the wrong testing tool for us? Thanks a lot for any hints!
This is a known issue. You can refer to to get detailed discussion between envjs and requirejs. My solution is to use Phantomjs to run jasmine specs with CI, and you can find the sample project at