I want to do something like this in Prototype:
onSuccess: function(transport) {
template = transport.responseText.evalJSON();
form = event.up('form');
The form tag is a table, and I want to replace its contents. channelHtml
is a string of HTML <tr>
I'm getting:
: Object[object HTMLTableElement]
has no method 'update'
So I figure it's not an extended object and tried Element.extend(form.select('audio_channels'))
, which returns an empty object. Then I try form.select('.audio_channels').innerHTML(template.channelHtml)
and I get TypeError: Object [object HTMLTableElement] has no method 'innerHTML'
. Then I try with the tbody element and I get [object HTMLTableSectionElement] has no method 'innerHtml'
This seems to me like it should work. form.select('audio_channels')
is returning the correct DOM element. What do I need to do to set the content of the table based on my ajax call?
Replace the last line with
That will execute the code on the actual element instead of a one-item array as the original code was doing.