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not able to locate keytool on my mac to sign my apk file

I've used phonegap Build to create my .apk file and i'm trying to sign it.

I understand that I can do this with the following command:

$ keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -validity 10000

But when I run this in terminal I get 'command not found' ?

I'm running this on a mac so from what I've read I have the required JDK installed ( I have xcode ) I guess it might be that the PATH is not set correctly to keytool, but I'm unable to find any simple info on resetting this.

Any help would be hugely appreciated. I must be missing something very simple as it can not be this difficult to sign the app ?!?!


  • Make sure you have cd'd into the android-sdk/platform-tools directory (where the keytool will [most likely] reside). The command won't be found if you aren't in the keytool-containing directory.