In a flex table 3 widgets are added in a row at run time .
The first 2 widgets are ListBox and the 3rd widget can be a listBox or a textBox.
I want to know about the third widjet is listBox or textBox??
my code to know about the first 2 widgets
int count=flexTable.getRowCount();
for(int i =0;i<count;i++){
ListBox lbPropreties = (ListBox) flexTable.getWidget(i, 0);
String propertyname =lbPropreties.getValue(lbPropreties.getSelectedIndex());
ListBox lbCondition = (ListBox) flexTable.getWidget(i, 1);
String condition =lbCondition.getValue(lbCondition.getSelectedIndex());
Thank you
Easy solution:
Widget thirdWidget = flexTable.getWidget(i, 2);
if (thirdWidget instanceof ListBox) {
ListBox listBox = (ListBox) thirdWidget;
} else if (thirdWidget instanceof TextBox) {
TextBox textBox = (TextBox) thirdWidget;
Alternatively, use some variable to store, which kind of widget you used when adding the third column.