I wanted to learn more about the Android Services / Broadcasts, so I started a simple project, to create a battery monitoring app. It turned out pretty good, I'm using it for a few days now, but I want to add a new function: to show since when is the phone charging/discharging.
First I thought that I would create two static fields in my BoradcastReciever extension class, where I get and publish the data about the battery, one for the actual state (charging/discharging), and one for the time, when the change in state happened. This way, I could just subtract from the current time the last change, and know exactly since when is the phone charging/discharging.
But there is a problem with this solution: It won't show the correct data at first, when a user starts the app. I wouldn't make a big deal of it, but I saw that Android tracks this data somewhere, because inside my phone settings I found this information, so why take the hard way.
So my question is: is there an easy way to get from the Android system the date/time (no matter what format) of the last charging state change?
I looked at the BatteryManager reference but there are no constants named after what I seek, and which I could use, to get the information from the Intent of my receiver.
The Android OS tracks the connect/disconnect of a power source, but does not make this data accessible to apps. You have to record this all yourself, using intent filters.
The two intent filters to use are android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED
and android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED
; with these, you can monitor when the power source is connected and disconnected.
You can find information about this process explained incredibly clearly here. Another blog describing the process can be found here.