I have a coordinate and a heading, how do I get a second coordinate say 50 metres away from the first one in a C# function?
Example info:
Lat: 56.33908260
Lon: 17.01194088
Radians: -1.7453292519943295
RadiansToDegrees: 57.295779513082323
GeographicalDegrees: -170.0
MathematicalDegrees: -100.00
It depends on the geodetic system you are using/want to use.
Geodetic systems or geodetic data are used [...] to translate positions indicated on their products to their real position on earth.
One of the most commonly used systems is WGS 84.
Some background: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/720/how-to-calculate-a-heading-on-the-earths-surface
What you are looking for looks like the "Direct problem" to me. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincenty's_formulae#Direct_Problem
Here you can find an implementation in C++ which should be rather easy to port (respect the licence):
This implementation is derived from this formula: http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong-vincenty-direct.html