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JavaScript Request/Operation Framework or Toolkit?

I'm building a complex application in JavaScript which needs to make several requests to the server. Sometimes that request cannot be completed as sent, and addition information is needed. I would like the ability to have the server inform the application in the request's response that more information is needed and to describe how to retrieve that information.

For example, say a user tries to perform an operation that his current permissions level does not allow. The server needs to ask the application for an override authorization code, basically meaning the application needs to pop up with a dialog asking for an admin passcode.

I'd like to have some kind of framework that abstracts all this. Possible a main "Request" or "Operation" class, which I can define sub-Request classes that define possible interpretations of requests. I'm not sure if something like this exists already or not.

So I guess my questions are: 1) Does a framework like this exists? and 2) Are there any articles on this topic (platform and language agnostic, I can learn how they work from any source). I know frameworks like Dojo and ExtJS use something like it for their data stores, but I'm not sure if it's exactly what i'm needing, or how it even works for that matter.

Any help leading me in the right direction is appreciated, Thank You.


A point should be made I am looking for something that is abstract from the technology used to actually send that data to the server. That way I could utilize the same framework on different ajax technologies.

Basically I'm looking for a framework or article that can help me figure out how to create a custom "Application Protocol". An example of this would be:

    type: 512,
    success: true,
    data: { some: "data" }

I know I have to design the protocol itself, but what I need help with is creating a "class" or something that interprets this protocol automatically instead of just making redundant onSuccess callbacks


  • I have worked on an open source project named Pomegranate Framework which does what you want (to some extent). Perhaps you can extend it in order to meet your needs. It comes with an application layer close to want you asked for but you need to implement your protocol as it fits. Here's its address:

    Pomegranate Framework

    I haven't found the time to document it yet but it comes with a bunch of examples that may be useful to you. You may also want to take a look at its example page:

    Pomegranate Framework Examples

    I think you would like to see the 021 example titled "Handling server errors in client". I hope it's what you are looking for.