I have a series of Factory objects I wish to expose trough a "root" utility (object). This root utility is in-and-of itself...a factory. As a utility object, I wish to implement it as a static class. However, isn't possible using my current design...as you cannot implement static members in an interface.
MY QUESTION IS: How can I alter the classes below to get the static factory affect above?
public interface IFactory
I Create<I>();
IFactoryTransform Transformer { get; }
IFactoryDataAccess DataAccessor { get; }
IFactoryValidator Validator { get; }
public static class Factory : IFactory
static Factory()
Transformer = new FactoryTransform();
DataAccessor = new FactoryDataAccess();
Validator = new FactoryValidator();
public I Create<I>()
var model = typeof(I);
// Activation code will go here...
throw new NotSupportedException("Type " + model.FullName + " is not supported.");
public IFactoryDataAccess DataAccessor { get; private set; }
public IFactoryTransform Transformer { get; private set; }
public IFactoryValidator Validator { get; private set; }
You can move your static keyword from Factory
class to one level up. For example you can have a static class Utils
, where you have a singleton property MyFactory
public static class Utils
public static IFactory MyFactory {get; private set}
static Utils()
MyFactory = new Factory();
var myInterface = Utils.MyFactory.Create<IMyInterfrace>()
That said, I would probably use DI instead of the factories and IoC container to manage lifetime of the objects.