I am Facing problem while integrating dynamic jasper 4.0 with struts2.
i saw the example they gave on the dynamic jasper website
it stated that
<result-type name="dynamic-jasper" class="ar.com.fdvs.dj.struts2.DJStruts2Result"/>
but the above class is not there in the DynamicJasper4.jar
any solution or help is highly appreciated thanks in advance
thanks for the help buddy.
after adding the jar i tried integrating it with struts2 but got error
There is no result type defined for type 'dynamic-jasper'
<package name="report" extends="struts-default,jasperreports-default">
<result-type name="tiles" class="org.apache.struts2.views.tiles.TilesResult"></result-type>
<result-type name="dynamic-jasper" class="ar.com.fdvs.dj.struts2.DJStruts2Result"/>
<action name="ShowReport" class="hris.report.action.GetReportAction">
<result name="success" type="dynamic-jasper">
<param name="dynamicReport">dr</param>
<param name="layoutManager">classic</param>
<param name="format">PDF</param>
there is an extra dependency for struts 2 compatibiliti. it is no bundled in main jar.