I have jquery draggable attached to a DIV container, each of its child elements has a click event, how do I prevent the child event from firing when I drag the main parent container.
I only want to fire the child event when I click on it, not when I drag the whole thing.
I have made a demo: http://jsfiddle.net/sygad/RgdPq/1/
Any help appreciated.
You can use a temp variable to track the drag status and then change from the click event to the mouseup event like this jsFiddle example.
var bodyWidth = $(window).width();
var bodyHeight = $(window).height();
var dragging = false;
containment: "window",
start: function() {
dragging = true;
stop: function() {
dragging = false;
$('.box').mouseup(function() {
if (!dragging) {
//If there is already a new box present, remove it
if ($('.newBox').length) {
//Get the offset of THIS box we just clicked
var thisOffset = getOffset(this)
//Get its left & top value
var newBoxLeft = thisOffset.left;
var newBoxTop = thisOffset.top;
//Full size box will be 75% width & height of viewport
var newBoxFinalWidth = bodyWidth * 0.75;
var newBoxFinalHeight = bodyHeight * 0.75;
//Full size box will be positioned center/center on the screen
var newBoxDestLeft = (bodyWidth - newBoxFinalWidth) / 2;
var newBoxDestTop = (bodyHeight - newBoxFinalHeight) / 2;
//Create our new box
var newBox = '<div class="newBox clickOut"></div>'
//Add it to the DOM
//Position it to overlay the box we just clicked
'left': newBoxLeft,
'top': newBoxTop
//Animate it from the orig box position to its final width/height & left/top
'width': newBoxFinalWidth,
'height': newBoxFinalHeight,
'left': newBoxDestLeft,
'top': newBoxDestTop
}, 2000, 'easeOutExpo')
//Clickout function
$(document).click(function(e) { /*if parent of this click is NOT clickout AND this click is NOT clickout then hide stuff*/
if ($(e.target).parents().is('.clickOut') == false && $(e.target).is('.clickOut') == false) {
function clickOut() {
function getOffset(item) {
var cssOffset = $(item).offset();
var cssLeft = parseInt(cssOffset.left);
var cssTop = parseInt(cssOffset.top);
return {
'left': cssLeft,
'top': cssTop